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A coleção PAIRS foi criada a partir da intenção de desenvolver novos caminhos para a autenticidade de um design inovador. Exploramos profundamente os diversos usos e possibilidades de uma única peça. Para trazer esta versatilidade, utilizamos bases de tecidos opostas para compor modelos singulares.

Outra frente de inovação, foi a possibilidade de trazer criações que transitam entre as temporadas e se transformam em várias propostas para o mesmo modelo Inti. Mesclando formas orgânicas e geométricas, trouxemos recortes lineares e decotes sinuosos para a coleção. Além de metais irregulares com banhos em ouro e prata para compor a assinatura da marca.

A cartela caminha entre as cores neutras e clássicas até as superfícies acetinadas e os tons impactantes como os nossos tons de vermelhos que já fazem parte do DNA da INTI.

A coleção de Outono e Inverno 2024, representa mais um passo para o amadurecimento da marca, nos conectando cada vez mais com o que nossas clientes valorizam e exaltando os detalhes que tornam a INTI única.

Influenciados pelos princípios antagônicos e complementares que nos inspiraram a criar mais uma coleção ímpar. Te convidamos para conhecer o novo universo insólito da PAIRS Collection.


Influenciada pela história da mitologia, NAMMOS Collection revisita a arquitetura, as formas naturais e a estética grega. Com criações inspiradas no pregueado dos mantos gregos, nossas peças casuais surgem com drapeados dramáticos que se transformam em um movimento de luz e sombra únicos.

Expressando a qualidade impecável que é o DNA da marca, a coleção reflete os monumentos antigos que são transformados em modelos com texturas em alto relevo.

Em nossa linha de Beachwear, criamos aviamentos exclusivos banhados a ouro que remetem as joias das deusas retratadas nos mitos.

Iniciamos nossa cartela de cores com tons neutros e refinados, seguimos transitando pelas nuances de pigmento mais vibrantes criando uma atmosfera moderna e atraente para o verão 2024. Em nossa Party Selection trouxemos a aurora refletida nas águas cristalinas do mar Egeu.

Te convidamos a descobrir nosso novo universo criativo e mergulhar conosco em mais um verão inesquecível INTI.


Inspirada nas curvas e formas harmônicas da arquitetura orgânica, a coleção ENHANCE apresenta um design inovador e aprimorado com modelagens sinuosas e com acabamento impecável, marca registrada da Inti.

Além da idealização das formas naturais, materializamos a nossa pesquisa em metais nobres em uma cartela surpreendente de aviamentos, que são como joias cromadas que tem em suas superfícies relevos irregulares, acabamento em formatos geométricos e banho em prata e níquel. Os metais compõem nossas peças de roupa casuais e os modelos do segmento de beachwear.

Nossa cartela de cor do Inverno 2023, é um fascínio à parte por sua originalidade. Apostamos nesta temporada, no Vermelho Bordô e no Azul Índigo para compor nossas criações. Pink Candy também acompanha a coleção em nosso sortimento de alfaiataria.

A ENHANCE COLLECTION transpõe o nosso desejo de renovação em nossa área de criação e desenvolvimento. Nossa equipe muito dedicada foi responsável por toda a pesquisa até atingirmos nosso objetivo maior que é surpreender e trazer um design exclusivo, inovador e único.


Faced with a vast world of such natural beauty, we are faced with great immensity - unforgettable landscapes, the origin of textures, the strength of currents and the charms of nature.

Cave emphasizes the beauty and purity of the simple, praises the majesty of nature's elements and brings together landscapes around the world, referring us to the origin of it all. We chose to bring the vigor of shapes, the power of colors and the sensations caused by the textures in each piece created.

A palette of strong tones, organic shapes with a unique design and gold-plated metal pieces were designed exclusively for this collection, forming a perfect symbiosis with the summer atmosphere. Our showcase chosen to present the new collection was a place full of unforgettable natural rock formations, with caves that form a scenario that exudes beauty and energy.

Welcome to SS23. Welcome to the Cave Collection.


We went to the beginning, the origin.

We dived beyond the blue of the infinite ocean to create an atypical winter collection.

We rescued colors, textures and the most diverse shapes we found in the blue immersion and developed our own maritime history of modern times.

Strong shades, unique metals and an impacting design bring our articular universe to life - where asymmetric shapes mesh and move like waves in perfect synchrony.

The IMMERSIONE COLLECTION brings the sophistication and exclusivity of luxury vessels and makes us sail in the authenticity of the maritime universe, between ports and marinas worldwide.


The Innate Collection is an unusual meeting between naturalness and sophistication. We redesigned lines and movements, sometimes strong and linear, to create organic shapes represented in the fluidity of the fabrics, in the contemporary cutouts and, above all, in the uniqueness of the shapes proposed in the exclusive trims, all bathed in gold.

We worked with fluid and natural bases, such as linen, which is present in countless models, bringing comfort and lightness to the collection. We kept in touch with our origins, bringing the natural together with the minimalist and refined. A great innovation were the bright colors and also the earthy ones, which came to complete our palette, alongside the eternal classic tones that are part of our identity.

During creation, we were inspired by the integration of human beings with the unique spaces that nature organically produces, through the erosion and eternal transformation of the Earth. We allowed ourselves to have true inner experiences that make us believe that we are part of something bigger.

To welcome our ideas and illustrate our creation, we took refuge in the Organic House, in the town of Naucalpan de Juárez, near Mexico City. The house is a project by the architect Javier Senosiain, a semi-buried residence, where from the outside we can only see shrubs, trees and flowers. The project's concept is defined on the basis of two large spaces: one during the day and the other at night, seeking the feeling of welcoming by the land, without losing its integration with the green areas outside.

It was in this incredible space, with a unique plasticity, that our Innate Collection came to life, allowing us to start a new cycle of energy, giving even more emotion and expression through our pieces.


The Zaha collection is a portrait of a direct connection between modernist architecture and fashion. Between striking lines and sinuous curves, we are inspired by renowned architects and their great works that express this unique movement.

In a predominantly male architectural universe, the Iraqi Zaha Hadid (1950-2016) stands out. A competent architect who, regardless of being a woman, Arab or foreign, believed in her ability to be free and authentic. Zaha became one of the great references in world architecture with his outstanding works.

We represent the linearity, asymmetry and organic shapes of her designs in our collection, blended with a splash of color, bringing our own modern universe to life.


We escaped to create something new, we traveled virtually to the most paradisiacal beaches, we visited places and were inspired by women from all over the world to develop a collection designed for the needs of a new moment in the lives of our customers.

Versatile, timeless and minimalist pieces, based on the pillars of our essence. For strong, bold and independent women, people like us, who seek to express themselves through fashion.

We invite you to escape with us and discover a summer collection adapted for women ready for a new world. Minimalism never goes out of style.


The AW20 collection marks a new era.

The geometric formation of crystals is a basis for the development of this collection, which releases the complexity of crystalline forms and the purity of their essence. Linear shapes and metallic materials gain prominence in the creation of pieces. Our color chart features tons of neutrals and earths inspired by the deposits and their stones in the most diverse stages, from extraction to jewelery.

The crystal cut translate our delicate creation process, which is resumed in a marked linear design. The result is a singularity of a new era and a unique beauty found in the appearance of precious stones.


The two years collection celebrates the history that originated the name INTI.

Regarded as the most important god for the Incas, his followers believed that "Inti" crossed the skies daily, bringing light and warmth to the earth. His gold-rich portrait comes from the belief that it was, in fact, sweat from the sun. Inti brought the necessary light to civilization so that we could see the beauty that surrounds us, a quality that is no longer exclusive to this adored God, which he now share with his homonymous brand. Developed with a timeless design, the models are unique pieces that move between boldness and elegance. In addition to bathing and resort clothes, a NOIR line - dresses, pants and overalls, designed for use outside the beach - composes or mixes in this collection.

The use of high quality fabrics and gold-plated aviators reaffirms a feature of our exclusive modeling in conceptual pieces, enhancing the status of a unique aesthetic. This collection is a milestone that strengthens INTI's presence in the national and international luxury beachwear market.


The Além Mar collection was inspired by the universe that encompasses the versatility of winter in Brazil. We seek the contrasts of light and shadow to compose the ideal scenario and to move from day to night, ensuring versatile use for our pieces.

Linear shapes and architectural inspirations are part of our DNA and come to life with each collection, highlighting the brand's minimalist concept.

Pieces with striking design and unique accessories gain space in the Além Mar universe.


Golden Hour, the first hour after dawn and the last hour before dusk, the perfect time to shine. We brought the brilliance of gold and the strength of silver in every detail to compose our own golden atmosphere.

We seek to represent in this collection the essence of the brand, which is differentiated by the minimalist character and the architectural inspirations portrayed in our design.

Our scenario is the Niterói Contemporary Art Museum, which was designed by the brilliant architect Oscar Niemeyer, and which unites its architecture in a unique way with the incredible panoramic views of Rio de Janeiro.


Inspired by the European nightlife, we present our new collection. Wrapped with a noir sensuality, we created our pieces with structured fabrics for fall/winter, without losing our minimalist essence. New models that connect to the woman's body and highlight her curves. Fall in love with our atmosphere and feel the originality of LA BOHÈME.

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